Minimal Animal Sculptures from Colorful Metal Strips by Lee Sangsoo

Minimal Animal Sculptures from Colorful Metal Strips by Lee Sangsoo

Considering his practice a form of “drawing in the air,” artist Lee Sangsoo forges colorful, spiraled flamingos, dogs, parrots, and other creatures with long strips of metal. He sculpts the minimal works with resin or stainless steel depending on the size – he uses the latter for any piece that spans more than one meter – and coats each angled side with subtle gradients or a complementary palette. Although three-dimensional and sometimes so large that they tower over the landscape, the creatures are inspired by Picasso’s small, abstract animal drawings, which the artist explains: “Lines, planes, and colors are important elements that work in my work. The lines drawn in the two-dimensional sketchbook determine the large flow and form of the work, and it becomes three-dimensional in the three-dimensional space. The square lines are shown in various shapes and colors according to the flow and twist, and you can feel the dynamism in the still work. Also, depending on the flow, the thickness of the lines may be rhythmically thickened or thinned.”

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

metal sculptures

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