Modern Eco-House ‘The Dream Space’ by Hady Mirawdaly

Modern Eco-House 'The Dream Space' by Hady Mirawdaly

Precast modular houses are used globally nowadays, with a lot of advantages for their users, but their main problem is that the designs of modular units  is too general than not specified to a certain environment. That’s why, they are often can’t be well adapted with their surrounding environment.


The main idea behind ” The Dream space” is to create a strong connection between a precast modular house (the box element) with a specific surroundings environment using few site cast elements while considering ecology fundamentals like using the same greenery materials as the ones found in the building’s field, using natural rocks as pillars instead of unnatural ones, furthermore the windows that let maximum sunlight in during winter and vice versa in summer… Etc. . Despite the magical interaction of the project with the air, sounds and water of the surrounding nature.

modern house

modern eco-house

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