ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

ABT Sportsline, known for supercharging cars from the Volkswagen Group, is now making waves with a new venture: they’ve built an electric yacht called the M 800-R. This step marks a big change for ABT as they venture from land to sea, embracing the challenge of creating eco-friendly and powerful boats.

The M 800-R is a sleek 26-foot yacht that was created together with Marian Boats, a boat builder from Austria. This yacht isn’t just any boat; it’s electric and designed to be as fast and smooth as the sports cars ABT usually works on. The heart of the M 800-R is its big 122kWh battery that lets it zip through the water at speeds up to 46 knots and travel for up to 50 miles on one charge.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

What’s really cool about this yacht is its quiet ride. Unlike regular boats that are loud because of their gas engines, the M 800-R is peaceful and doesn’t pollute the air. ABT also made sure that it can fit right into different marine environments with special driving modes. There’s an ‘ABT Mode’ for when you want to go fast, a ‘Port Mode’ for easy and slow harbor maneuvering, and a ‘Cruise Mode’ for efficient longer trips. Plus, it charges up fast using the same kind of chargers used for electric cars, which is super convenient.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

The inside of the M 800-R is just as fancy as a luxury car. It has comfy seats covered in soft Alcantara, a steering wheel designed by ABT, and plenty of room to relax. Up to nine people can sit comfortably on the front deck, and there’s a lounging area at the back too. The dashboard isn’t just for show but it has a high-tech display with GPS for easy navigation and other cool features to make sailing safe and fun.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

The M 800-R doesn’t just look good; it’s made with attention to every little detail. For instance, the air intakes are inspired by ABT’s car designs, and there’s special lighting under the water that looks amazing, especially at night. Red leather touches and fancy fixtures add even more style.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

With only 20 of these yachts being made and each costing €450,000 (excluding VAT), owning one is truly special. It first showed up at the Monaco Formula E race and is set to make appearances at other big events around Europe.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

ABT’s move into electric yachts is exciting because it shows they’re serious about making fun, powerful vehicles that are also kind to the environment. Imagine speeding over the water in this beautiful yacht, enjoying the silence and knowing you’re not harming the planet. What cool things might ABT think of next as they continue to mix car-making skills with boat building? And don’t forget to check our list of the fastest speedboats in the world.

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

ABT Sportsline Launches Eco-Friendly Electric Yacht M 800-R

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